
Microsoft FrontPage 2000 [OLD VERSION]

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 [OLD VERSION]

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 [OLD VERSION] The Internet offers unprecedented publishing possibilities, allowing anyone with a few hundred bucks and some spare time to bypass the middleman and reach readers, viewers, listeners, and buyers directly. If you want to tap into the power of Web publishing without staying up nights learning HTML, try Microsoft FrontPage 2000. With its intuitive interface (especially if you've already done time with other Microsoft applications), you can soon be creating hyper-linked pages to your heart's content. Formatting, inserting graphics or sounds, and keeping track of all your pages is push-button simple--experiment all you want, and retreat when necessary (some color schemes can induce nausea). The package also allows easy use of ActiveX controls, plug-ins, and Java applets--as well as more traditional scripting features--to snazz up your site for the higher-bandwidth viewer. The integration be...
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