
Backcare Yoga For Beginners

Backcare Yoga For Beginners

Backcare Yoga For Beginners With chronic back pain reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S., the need for effective non-drug relief and healing is leading more and more Americans to yoga for lasting results. Yoga can help you to create and maintain a strong and flexible back at any age. Back Care Yoga is an informative and inspiring yoga instruction program to release back tension, realign the spine and strengthen your core torso muscles to support lasting relief and prevent back pain and strain. Internationally acclaimed yoga instructor Rodney Yee leads three practice sessions to explore and understand your back, build strength and improve flexibility, and restore a healthy back. And this special DVD edition also includes insight on yogaŒs effectiveness for back health from a medical perspective, plus a bonus sequence of simple everyday techniques to counteract the effects of the prolonged chair-seated activities...
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