
Celestron Solar Filter Mylar for C4 R/FirstScope/102AZ

Celestron Solar Filter Mylar for C4 R/FirstScope/102AZ

Celestron Solar Filter Mylar for C4 R/FirstScope/102AZ Celestron Solar Filters are made with Baader Astro Solar Safety Film. Far superior than any existing glass, Mylar or polymer filters, they lead to brighter, sharper, and higher contrast images. Enter the new millennium with the finest solar filters available. Astro Solar Safety Film is clear and homogenous and attains the optical performance of high quality plane-parallel glass filters?it is diffraction limited! Double-sided metal coatings have uniform density and good color balance across the entire field ensuring razor sharp images from edge to edge. The Sun appears in its ?real ?color ?neutral white, not blue or orange ,and the sky adjacent to the solar limb is jet black. You can see detail in sunspots, bright faculae near the limb and the mottled areas known as granules with these filters. The Sun offers constant changes and will keep your observing interesting and fun. Even small ap...


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