
Grey Eyes (Book One, The Forever Trilogy)

Grey Eyes (Book One The Forever Trilogy) NOW PROFESSIONALLY EDITED!!! 8/9/2011***Over 30,000 new readers in since April! Thank you all so much for the support and kind emails! We try to answer every one. The sequel, "Brown Eyes," is available June 25, 2011. If you haven't already, please feel free to email us at! We'd love to hear from you!***15 year old Anastasia Adams has spent her entire life on run. She and her mother have never spent more than 18 months in any one location, often times leaving with just the clothes on their backs. Despite the havoc that this is wreaking on Ana's social and academic life, her mother offers no explanation as to why it is they're constantly moving, or even what it is they're running from. But that all changes one night in the woods of Pelion, SC--the night the terror catches up with them.Fearing her mother dead, and having barely escaped with her own life, An...
Grey Eyes (Book One, The Forever Trilogy)

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