
Woodstock Chimes Gregorian Baritone Windchime

Woodstock Chimes Gregorian Baritone Windchime

Woodstock Chimes Gregorian Baritone Windchime Immerse yourself in the peaceful patterns of Gregorian chant with this classic-style windchime. Tuned to a medieval scale, it echoes the vocal music of the gothic era sung to accompany meditation in the churches of Europe since the late 8th century. The sound produced by the 8 precision-tuned tubes is soothing, uplifting, and incredibly rich. One of a series of 5 differently sized windchimes tuned to the same scale, the Gregorian Baritone Chime harmonizes beautifully with the other Gregorian Chimes. Imagine the sound of all 5 Gregorian Chimes hung outdoors and sounding together with their rich melodies. Woodstock Chimes are the original, musically-tuned, high-quality windchimes known worldwide for their superior sound. When listening to a Woodstock Chime, you hear a fine musical instrument played by the wind, perfectly hand-tuned using the ancient system of “just intonation” based on nat...
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